Slippery Sloppery Steve
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Slippery sloppery our man Steve Gives new meaning to that word sleaze Ducks and runs when the truth comes near Climate? detainees? – scared to hear. Slippery sloppery our man Steve Tars our country with that word sleaze. Jiggery pokery that man Steve Undercuts democracy with practiced ease. Slinks away from embarrasing facts Dodging transparency. Quite an act. Jiggery pokery that man Steve Side-steps legality with practiced ease. Slippery trickery sleazy Steve An artful dodger. Who’d believe That righteous Stephen would change so quick From paragon of...
Read MoreCut and Run
Tune: Long way to Tipperary Yes my name is Stephen Harper I’m the country’s PM I know how to keep my office ‘Cause I know I’m such a gem Just be sure to target critics And to knock them one by one If that fails I simply shut the house down And I just ‘cut and run.’ I can’t stand it if they question What we did in Afghanistan All that torture’s not important Who cares if we broke the ban? And the voters will forget that The inquiry’s not been done Because I have simply shut the house down And I just ‘cut and run.’
Read MoreRockabye Baby
Tune: Rockabye Baby Rockabye baby, on the tree top That’s the place where your mom and your pop Will find the care that’s cheapest to get For hundred-buck daycare Harper has set. Hundred-buck care (less taxes of course), We will soon see it put in full force. We find our minder, we check them out With no regulations, no rules and no clout. Parents need daycare planned and secure Treetops are not so stable and sure. Treetops will rent for a few bucks or more, But we need good daycare! Show Harper the door!
Read MoreOn the Hill (Child Care)
Tune: Jack and Jill Stephen Harper on the Hill Just listen to the Grannies: Giving parents cash in hand Is not a child care program! Children are not property, We all must help to raise them, Build our future citizens Through public funded childcare. Stephen Harper, public good Is why you are in office. Forget the Tory party line And listen to the people! Families need our support And child care is one answer: Professional, accessible And universal child care.
Read MoreDay Care
tune: Yellow Bird Day care, day care We need it now and we need a lot Kids need day care Whether moms can pay the fees or not. Single moms or married, if they have kids Need to find a place they can afford. Day care at the moment is on the skids No money for them – but the army has scored. Kid’s care. Day care. Make it available for every one. Give a fair share Let our love affair with war be done.
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