TUNE: Sweet Betsy from Pike
They say law and order is Harper’s bit boast
He knows how to prove it when he is the host
An armed camp’s what our biggest city became
It cost just a billion to set up the game
And set-up’s the story, we know that is true
19,000 cops, yes that is quite a few
All waiting around for the people in black
So they had an excuse to go on the attack.
They arrested a thousand for holding a sign
Opposing the G20’s corporate line,
The whole thing designed, from point A to point B
To give a big boost to the military.
But we have a Charter that gives us our say
And truncheons will never take that right away
When Harper’s security throws us in jail
We know we have rights and our rights will prevail.
There’s no use pretending it went Harper’s way
The cameras all show us what happened that day
The real crimes took place well away from our eyes
It’s our duty to protest and expose Harper’s lies!