On the Hill (Child Care)
Tune: Jack and Jill Stephen Harper on the Hill Just listen to the Grannies: Giving parents cash in hand Is not a child care program! Children are not property, We all must help to raise them, Build our future citizens Through public funded childcare. Stephen Harper, public good Is why you are in office. Forget the Tory party line And listen to the people! Families need our support And child care is one answer: Professional, accessible And universal child care.
Read MoreWomens Day
I rode my bike down to Sparks and Elgin for noon. As you suspected,Jo, no other Grannies were there. But a fine gang of PSAC women and some men were there, handing out banners, noise-makers and “pink slips” We walked up to the PMs office, now protected by police in protective gear, and a new barricade. Irene Mathyssen,NDP MP spoke (but the loudspeaker did not work!) She emphasised that women had not yet gained equality in Canada. Others spoke – we could mail the pink slip to the PM-for free of course! I got some great shots, to be published ASAP We gave Stephen the Pink Slip.
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